Английский язык, 9 класс


Вопрос от #35436 1487 дней назад

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Ответ от Дарья

Bollywood is the nickname for the Indian film industry. The first Indian short film was made in 1899. Nowadays it is the largest film industry in the world, making up to eight hundred films a year. Sometimes the films are made so fast, that the same actors shoot scenes for different films on the same set in the same time. There are a lot of differences between Bollywood and Hollywood. There are a lot of singing, dancing and colourful costumes in Bollywood films. They are usually in the Hindi language and lasts three to four hours. Plots are usually based on stories about relationships, unusual coincidences or romantic tales. Bollywood's audience outside India lives mostly in Britain. It's not just Indians who watch the films. There are some popular films, translated in English