Английский язык, 9 класс


Вопрос от #37243 1535 дней назад

упр 11 написать сочинение по плану из упр 10 на тему "a very strange tale" 120-180 слов

Ответ от Дарья

My friend an I were walking in the park. It was snowy and windy weather, but we didn't mind it. We were talking and laughing. Suddenly, we heard strange noise. We saw an old woman sitting on the bench under the big tree. She was wearing old-fashioned clothes and she was coughing. We came closer and asked her if we could help. I saw that her clothes was not for winter weather definitely. She said that she was waiting for her husband and she didn't expect that the weather would be so cold. We decided to bring her warm scarf and mittens. We rushed to my home, found warm clothes and ran to the park to help this strange old woman. But when we returned back we saw only two black cats on this bench. Old woman disappeared.