Английский язык, 10 класс


Вопрос от #39899 1599 дней назад

составить мини - проект по теме "Любимый вид спорта" (нужно написать про любой спорт 10 предложений, почему он мне нравится, почему он полезен и так далее)

Ответ от Дарья

1) "What kind of sports do you prefer?" - is one of the popular question when you meet someone. 2) There are a lot of sports, some of them are very popular, some of them very specific and unusual. 3) For example, fireball soccer, toe wrestling and underwater hockey. 4) As for me, the best sport is football. I like to watch it on tv, I enjoy playing it with my friends, and also I play football on playstation. 5) I like this game because it is team game, it is beautiful, interesting and really fast. 6) I believe that playing football helps people to become strong and to develop physically. 7) Moreover this game could improve mental abilities also, because it involves thinking not only using physical strength. 8) It is hard to be a professional sportsman, but everyone of us can do something to become physically fit and more healthy. 9) For some people doing exercises or yoga is good, but for me the best way to keep my body in good health is playing football. 10) Find someone that you like doing to keep your body in a good shape and to keep you fit and energized.