Английский язык, 8 класс


Вопрос от Настя 1607 дней назад

Номер 2 НЕ менее 120 слов ПОМОГИТЕ пожалуйста 😊

Ответ от Дарья

I am so happy to be here! I know that you’re very proud of me and i try to do my best here. Before I arrived here I had thought that I knew everything about England. You know, that I watched a lot of films to learn something new about England. I wondered if I met Hugh Grant or someone like him. But it had been shock arriving here and discovered that there are no English gentlemen in the street. Also I don’t understand a word when English people talk to me! As for me I don’t like that students talk a lot about money. For me it is boring. But all people are really nice to me and I like it! Miss you so much! Kisses, Barbara

  • Настя

    Большое спасибо 😙