Английский язык, 9 класс


Вопрос от Анжела💖 1631 день назад

Напишите короткий параграф о фестивале в вашей стране(Россия). Включите в него: место, дату, и виды деятельности.

Ответ от Дарья

Valenki making industry has been flourishing on the Kineshma land for a long time. At the beginning of the 20th century, local craftsmen made valenki both for themselves and for sale. Almost a quarter of the population of the Kineshemsky district of the Kostroma province was engaged in valenkovalyanie. Nowadays the whole country walks in modern beautiful and comfortable Kineshemsky valenki from the Ivanopromsherst company, and the famous Kineshemsky Museum of valenki is very popular among tourists. The festival popularizes folk fashion and contributes to the development of the territory. Many surprises await the guests of the festival. The program includes: an exhibition and sale of felt products, a fashion show, street animation, treats with dishes and drinks of traditional Russian cuisine (the main feature is a six-meter cabbage pie), horseback riding, valiant fun and competitions.