Английский язык, 10 класс


Вопрос от #37344 1642 дня назад


Ответ от Дарья

1) middle school - средняя школа 2) high school - классы старшей школы 3) private school - частная школа 4) public school - государственная школа 5) elective subject - дополнительные предметы (необязательные), школьные кружки 6) semester - семестр 7) report card - табель успеваемости 8) A, B, C - 5, 4, 3 Translating wasn't easy, because there are different school systems in UK, USA and Russia. I think, Wendy comes from USA, because she studied in private school, where they had to wear uniform and there were fewer students in class and now she is studying in public school. She has been studying for 9 years and now she is moving from middle school to high school, so she is probably 14 years old.