Английский язык, 11 класс


Вопрос от Альбина 1730 дней назад

написать высказывание на тему "Could the deaths of Juliet and Romeo be avoided?" (20 предложений).

Ответ от Дарья

The death of the Romeo and Juliet places the decisive point in the conflict of Verona families Montague and Capulets. The ending of Romeo and Juliet is very tragic. In all there were six deaths. But could the tragic deaths be avoided? During the plot Shakespeare gives suggestions of the possible alternative ending. The opposition between young couple and their families and society was not rebel against fate. It was an interaction with real people, traditions, values, that was usual for Verona during that period. So, it seems that one young couple couldn't change the society. But we know that in the end of the tragedy warring families came to peace. It means that even this society was potentially ready for changes. But if we take the plot directly there were several facts, that lead Romeo and Juliet to death. First of all if the letter had given to Romeo as scheduled, their whole plan would have worked and Romeo and Juliet would have been together in the end. Also if the Friar had gotten to the Capulet’s tomb a little bit earlier, he could have found Romeo there and told him about the plan. All in all, Romeo and Juliet could have been a bit less impulsive, and reconsidered their suicidal urges. Another way would have been if the families had come to settle their differences. Then they could have been together and not have dealt with the whole drama that ultimately led to their deaths.