Английский язык, 9 класс


Вопрос от #39778 1445 дней назад

2. 2) (в тетради)

Ответ от Дарья

1) The interviewer asked Heather what would she remember about her school. 2) The interviewer asked Heather if she had enjoyed her schooldays. 3) The interviewer asked Heather what was her idea of a great teacher. 4) The interviewer asked Heather if science had been her favourite subject. 5) The interviewer asked Heather if she had studied Spanish or French. 6) The interviewer asked Heather if she always had had a good report card. 7) The interviewer asked Heather what music would take her back into her schooldays. 8) The interviewer asked Heather if she had passed all the exams. 9) The interviewer asked Heather if she was going to university or would take a gap year.