Английский язык, 7 класс


Вопрос от #39714 1752 дня назад

Написать письмо, объем 90-110 слов, представь, что уже 2100 год, опиши жизнь на планете Земля, описать свой день, как и на чем ты путешествуешь, что делаешь в свободное время, какие гаджеты есть письмо писать на английском.

Ответ от Дарья

Hello, John! Thank you so much for you letter. It is so old way to exchange information, but I like it. How is your new flying bicycle? What's new in school? Yesterday I broke my teleport engine and I had to go to school by foot, it was so funny. At school we started to learn new cosmic language and I don't like it at all. After school I spent my time laying on our color changing lawn, played with my electronic dinosaur and played virtual football with my new friends from Venus. I can't wait for summer holidays, because we are going to fly to the moon to swim in the artificial seas. Looking forward for you answer! Best wishes, Sam