Английский язык, 8 класс


Вопрос от #37610 1755 дней назад

Написать сочу на основе текста, надо просто диалог привести в форму текста и немного сократить

Ответ от Дарья

I've never been abroad, but this year I'm going to visit UK, so I decided to look through some useful information about places of interest there. The first important fact about Great Britain is that you can see a great variety of nature. To see all of this nature miracles you should visit different parts of UK - Highlands in Scotland, the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, Snowdonia in Wales and the Lake District in England. The Giant's Causeway is known as the Eights Natural Wonder of the World. It is the fascinating array of over 40 000 basalt columns. This columns stay amazingly symmetrically. And what about Snowdonia? It is a place, where you can find a variety of mountains, beaches. moorlands, forests, lakes, valleys, castles and steam railways in a compact area. There are a lot of good reviews about the Lake District in the Cumbrian Mountains. It is a national park, also there is the largest natural lake in England. I think, that all this places are worth visiting. There are so much to see!

  • #37610
