Английский язык, 7 класс


Вопрос от Артём 1760 дней назад

стр.96, упр.3 - написать 3 предложения по каждому тексту, используя упр.2 (о каком стрессе идет речь

Ответ от Дарья

1 с 2 a 3 b Text A is about having too much things to do. It is very stressful, because you don't have time to communicate with your friends or just relax. Time management could help in this situation. Text B is about arguments with brother. It is unpleasant thing, but you should learn how to co-operate. It is very valuable experience. Text C is about gossiping. You shouldn't spread gossip, because it is very bad habit and it could lead to harmful for the person you are gossiping about. Also you shouldn't believe everything you hear.

  • Артём

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