Английский язык, 11 класс


Вопрос от Альбина 1763 дня назад

Помогите написать идеи для b, используя аргументы и примера из a

Ответ от Дарья

Social housing is built on the idea of helping disadvantaged people find homes, the poor and unemployed could get a place to live. The tax payer foots the bill, people don' have enough money to pay high cost of council repairs. It leads to understaffing to deal with resident concerns and the necessary maintenance requirements. Social housing is often subject to high crime rates, particularly those which are isolated from the surrounding communities. Lack of access to community facilities or other neighborhoods often leads to a build up of negative influences and a high concentration of drug use and violence. Council housing gives a chance for young married couples to save up and buy their own house or a flat. Council housing prevents homelessness because without having a social housing people are forced to pay high rents or be homeless. But it can trap people in a cycle of poverty and disadvantage, it is known that few people leave council housing estates.