Английский язык, 8 класс


Вопрос от #37613 1767 дней назад

Номер 4,срочно

Ответ от Дарья

we had found a great treasure which i had brought over to England before. The treasure had made me greedy. ... that he had cut his head on the treasure chest. I had not killed Morstan, but I was afraid that people would believe that I had done it. My servant who had heard

  • #37613

    Не то фото, вот которое нужно

  • #37613

  • #37613

    Тогда делайте уже номер 6

  • #37613

    Раз не могу найти фото номера 4

  • #37613

    Здесь надо сделать номер 6