Английский язык, 10 класс


Вопрос от Екатерина 1770 дней назад

Напишите эссе на тему: “Intelligence ensures financially stable future”. В первом абзаце должен быть перефраз названия темы. Во втором должны быть два аргумента подтверждающие эту тему. После каждого аргумента должен быть пример. В третьем абзаце должен быть один аргумент опровергающий эту тему так же с мини примером в одно предложение. В четвёртом абзаце должен содержаться аргумент, выражающий не согласие с опровергающим аргументом. В пятом мини вывод. Объём от 200 до 250 слов. Заранее спасибо большое.

Ответ от Дарья

Intelligence ensures financially stable future. The problem of being intelligent has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that intelligence is the most priceless quality you can develop. However the others believe that experience is more valuable than intelligence. I suppose that intelligence is very important. Firstly, it is difficult to get well-paid job without being intelligent. Secondly, intelligence helps cultivate skills and provides mental, moral and aes­thetic development. Some opponents might stick to the point that people don't need to be intelligence nowadays. They suggest that everyone could get information from the internet or attend some courses they need online. Nevertheless I do not support the above mentioned ideas. One should take into account the fact that finding facts in the internet is not your own quality. Moreover you can't use it interacting with someone offline. All in all, i am convinced that everybody must realize the importance of intelligence as it is the guarantee of the development and well-being of our society.