Английский язык, 8 класс


Вопрос от #37243 1845 дней назад

упражнение 7 написать письмо-совет Стюарту, Дэвиду или Карен (Упр 1) от 120 до 150 слов не из интернета, пожалуйста срочно! заранее большое спасибо!

Ответ от Дарья

Dear David! Thank you for your letter. A lot of teenagers face problems with studying. I am sorry you face this problems too, but i think i can help you. Here are some things to do. First of all you should tell your parents that you can pass your exams one more time. It might be good idea to tell them that you'll study hard and during this preparation you won't go to football club. It would be good idea to discuss with parents ways to improve your study. Have you thought about asking them for help? If I were you, I would take additional classes. This would improve your grades and make your parents change their minds. I hope my advice helps and everything turns out for the best. Claire

  • #37243

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