Английский язык, 8 класс


Вопрос от Ксюша 1855 дней назад

По английскому сделать описание веб-сайта!! Пример можно из текста взять

Ответ от Дарья

I think that Youtube is one of the best sites in the Internet. You can watch video clips there and you can listen to music. I've used it since childhood, I've watched cartoons there. One advantage of Youtube is that you can make your own video and download them. Moreover, you can follow users you like and watch their videos. In addition this site can help you to find friends and to communicate. What is more Youtube is free to use. However there are also some disadvantages. There are a lot of impolite and rude people. Also sometimes videos are low quality and boring. All in all Youtube is good for entertainment and for learning something new.