Английский язык, 8 класс


Вопрос от #35436 1926 дней назад

номер 4 в виде сочинения срочно заранее большое спасибо!!!

Ответ от Дарья

There are a lot of charity organisations in Russia. There are a lot famous organizations: charitable Foundation for children with oncohematological and other severe diseases "gift of life", OVD-info, which monitors public assemblies (behaviour of police, arrests of civic activists, etc), and Mother’s Right Foundation, which protects the rights of families whose sons died while in the army, RusFond etc. Charity shops are not very popular in Russia. All of Russia’s 17 thrift stores are private initiatives, typically run by energetic young people looking to better the world around them. People in distress often collaborate to create charitable funds and organizations. Some organizations helps the state, but most often they rely on charitable donations.