Английский язык, 11 класс


Вопрос от Альбина 1932 дня назад

Помогите написать эссе по теме: an early choice of a career path is the key to success

Ответ от Дарья

The problem of choosing career has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that an early choice of a career path is the key to success. However, the others believe that you shouldn't be in a hurry with this question. I suppose that it is better to choose your profession earlier. Firstly, you could have more time to develop your professional skills. Secondly, if you start early, you will gain more professional experience, because young people have ability to receive knowledge faster than adults. Thirdly you won't waste time on unnecessary subjects, you can concentrate on your speciality. Some opponents might stick to the point that you may change your mind about your future profession anytime. They suggest that it is pointless to develop one’s skills in only one sphere. Moreover they say that young people might change their mind and be unhappy with their choice. Nevertheless I do not support the above mentioned ideas. One should take into account the fact that a determined person would not regret his choice . Besides, youngsters who develop skills in only one field have more opportunities to become more advanced and successful professionals than others All in all I think an early choice of a career is very beneficial and leads to success. Despite the arguments of various skeptics I will be happy to find my professional way as soon as possible.