Английский язык, 11 класс


Вопрос от Альбина 1948 дней назад

Помогите придумать 13 похожих со вставками слов в другом времени, используя past, present, future без предложений с условиями

Ответ от Дарья

1. He (to come) back tomorrow. 2. It (to rain) tomorrow. 3. She hopes that he (cook) dinner tonight. 4. There (not / be) anything left to wish for in future. 5. You (to jump) high yesterday. 6. Albert (to play) squash last year. 7. He (to have not) a computer last weekend. 8. I think our team (to win) the match next weekend. 9. She always (to do) her best. 10. I (to fly) to Rome every year. 11. You (to be not) friendly. 12. You (to have) a bike. 13.She (to play) chess every Saturday.