Английский язык, 6 класс


Вопрос от Инари 1955 дней назад

Сделайте пожалуйста в двух формах Способа принадлежности выражения. Одно предложение в этих двух формах: Possessive case и Of construchion Персона с апостолом 'S, объект - это первая Родительный падеж: Объект of Персоне - это вторая форма

Ответ от Дарья

1. Cat's eyes are green. Eyes of cat are green. 2. Children's toys are in the big box. Toys of children are in the big box. 3. My father's birthday is in May. The birthday of my father is in May. 4. This is my mother's favorite cake. This is the favorite cake of my mother. 5. I like my husband's books. I like books of my husband. 6. What is that guy's name? What is the name of that guy? 7. Give me your students' textbooks. Give me textbooks of your students. 8. This is my friend's family. This is the family of my friend. My friend's father is an engineer. Father of my friend is an engineer. Me friend's mother is a teacher. Mother of my friend is a teacher. 9. Whose this bag? This is Tom's bag. This is bag of Tom. 10. Whose these dictionaries? These are students' dictionaries. These are dictionaries of students. 11. I like this boy's handwriting. I like handwriting of this boy. 12. I hear my sister's voice. I hear voice of my sister. 13. This is my grandmother's armchair. This is armchair of my grandmother.