Английский язык, 10 класс


Вопрос от Андрей 1978 дней назад

Сделайте пожалуйста 1 задание

Ответ от Дарья

There are different types of houses in Belarus: a) A farm house is a house on a farm. Farm houses are one story low built houses. They are traditionally built far away from the city, on large areas of land used for farming or raising animals. b) Flat is a home where you live within a large building where others also have their own home.This style of building is often called an apartment block. Or, if it’s very large, a skyscraper. c) Manor is a big country house with a lot of land. They are an old style house, normally owned by wealthy families. Manors have very large and beautiful gardens. d) A skyscraper is a very tall new style building. They are made of glass and metal. Skyscrapers are used as office buildings or apartments. e) Townhouses are houses built for inner-city living. There are tall and narrow buildings. They don’t have a lot of land around them and often only have very small gardens at the back. I live in a flat, which is situated in an apartment block. There are 11 floors in it.