Английский язык, 6 класс


Вопрос от Елизавета Пищако 2113 дня назад

Помогите сделать 3 упражнение

Ответ от Дарья

1) A man was walking in the park. 2) Who came across a penguin? A man came across a penguin. 3) what did he ask the policeman? He asked what to do with this penguin. 4) what did the policeman reply? The policeman replied:”take him to the zoo”. 5) where did the policeman see the same man with the same penguin next day? He saw them in a park. 6)what did the policeman see? He saw the same man with the same penguin. 7) was the policeman surprised? Yes he was surprised. 8) who said “today i am taking him to the cinema”? The man said this.