Английский язык, 7 класс


Вопрос от Артём Горский 2122 дня назад

Нужно сделать письменное сообщение на тему: "Interesting ways of exploring the world." Нужно в сообщении использовать слова moreover, in my opinion, to my mind, therefore, although, I think that, также In conclusion, I want to say that..., Today I'm going to tell you about interesting ways of exploring the world. Также в сообщении нужно подробно ответить на вопрос "What country would you go to?". Нужную информацию брать из учебника "Английский язык" 7 класс О.В.Афанасьева и И.В.Михеева издательства Просвещение.

Ответ от Дарья

Так как Вы не прикрепили фотографию из учебника, я не смогу воспользоваться материалами из учебника. Ways of exploring change in the course of time. Previously they were confined to reading books and meeting other people. For centuries the poorly developed transport did not allow people to travel freely. Moreover technical progress of today has made our planet a small world, books remain our main guide into the world of the unknown. They help people to learn about the world. In my opinion people learn about a lot of things and events of the past, the present and the future. I want to say that nowadays young people get information about arts and sciences not only from books but from the Internet as well. The Internet is the wonder of our time. With its help people get any information they need. The Internet, the global communication system, breaks the traditional notions of space and time. I think that the most ancient way of exploring the world is travelling. Today people travel far more than they ever used to. It is very useful to visit new places and meet new people. Travelling is the best way of learning foreign languages. In conclusion I would like to recommend use any sources of information to learn more about our wonderful world.