Английский язык, 9 класс


Вопрос от Галина Ященко 2183 дня назад

Тебе скучно.Погода не самая лучшая.Пригласите своего друга сделать что нибудь вместе.Составьте диалоги.Поменяйте подчеркнутые слова.

Ответ от Дарья

A I am bored. Let's play basketball to kill time. B You must be joking! Do you know the weather forecast for today? The day will start with rain and it will become snowy later. A It's just the right weather for playing basketball. At least it won't be very cold. You know there is no bad weather there are bad clothes. B I know but I can't agree that playing basketball in a snowy weather is a good idea.Why not to play computer games instead? Let's choose a good game. It'll be best solution to your problem. A Ok. I'm glad you've agreed to share the day with me. I've always known you're not a fair weather friend.