Английский язык, 9 класс


Вопрос от Алина 2216 дней назад

Напишите значение и историю флага города Сан Франциско ( к примеру когда он был принят, кто его принял, менялся ли он в течении времени если да то как, что означают символы нарисованные на нем и тд)

Ответ от Дарья

The flag of the City and County of San Francisco, there is a rising phoenix on it. It is often assumed to be symbol of the city's recovery from the 1906 earthquake and fires. However, the flag itself dates several years earlier to around 1900. It was officially adopted as the flag of San Francisco on December 16, 1940. The mythological phoenix appears in many ancient cultures and is a symbol of immortality. When the long-lived phoenix feels death is near, it builds a nest of aromatic wood and sets it afire. A new phoenix then arises from the ashes, just as San Francisco arose from the great fires of the 1850s. Below the phoenix is a banner which reads in Spanish, Oro en Paz—Fierro en Guerra (English: "Gold in Peace, Iron in War"). Because of this, the official city colors are gold and black; these two colors decorate the dome of San Francisco City Hall. The yellow border, now reproduced as a part of the flag, was originally intended to be a gold fringe, but mistakenly became incorporated into the design