Английский язык, 7 класс


Вопрос от 135288Соня 2229 дней назад

Нужно сделать задание на странице 125 упражнение 3.Все 12 предложений . Это упражнение нужно делать опираясь на текст со страниц 123-125. Нужно над каждым предложением написать true, false or partly true Предложения, которые false or partly true ,нужно будет исправить потом на true

Ответ от Дарья

1. False. Latin was spoken in Ancient Rome 2. False. Barbarians were so called by the Romans because Romans heard them saying "bar-bar-bar" instead of Latin. 3. False. Some masters gave freedom to their slaves. 4. Partly true. Wild animals were brought from different faraway places. 5. True. 6. True. 7. False. Men and women could become gladiators. 8. False. Gladiators were trained for months to fight in front of the public. 9. False. When dying gladiator were given thumbs down they have to be finished off. 10. False. They were usually finished off by a man dressed as the mystical character Charon. 11. Partly true. Sometimes gladiators, slaves, criminals or early Christians were fed to wild animals in front of the spectators. 12. False. "To be fed to the lions" means that someone were made to do something dangerous or unpleasant. 13. False. The gladiators were found in ancient graves on the territory of modern Britain.