Английский язык, 7 класс


Вопрос от #27458 2278 дней назад

личное письмо по английскому 7 класс; тема кем я восхищаюсь

Ответ от Дарья

Dear Jane! Thanks a lot for your letter. It was so interesting to read about your holidays. How is your puppy? What will you do next weekend? You told me, that you love Christina Aguilera and asked me about person I admire. I admire some people, but my mom is my reason to live. She is the big hero in my life and I'm going to describe her. Her name is Helen. My mom is a nurse. She loved to help other because she says it was her dream when she was a child. She leads a wonderful family life, she is always cheerful and happy. I admire her because she is very intelligent, ambitious and she has many goals in her life. She takes care of us because she loves us. She is also wonderful mother, very patient, sensitive and warm-hearted. She knows answers to every question, even those very silly. Being so patient and sensible, she even helps others to solve their problems. She is great fun to be with because her sense of humor is wonderful My mother has many talents. She can type on a computer very fast. She is good singer. Generally, she is a warm and friendly person who loves social life, going to parties, dancing and cooking. She is very patient and careful with everything she does. She never lets social life get in the way of relationship with our. She says that family is the most important in her life. She is very important to me, because she teaches me to be better every day. She is a good example to me and I love her for many more reasons. I admire my mom so much and I love her. She always can advise me. She wants good things for family and it is good for me. I want to be like her with many goals in my life. And If we were far away our hearts will always be together.