Английский язык, 6 класс


Вопрос от Max 2331 день назад

15-20 предложений огаррипотере на английском

Ответ от Татьяна

I want to tell you about my favourite character - Harry Potter. It's a clever boy who lives in Surrey with his uncle, aunt and a nasty cousin. He has an unusual scar on his face and he wears glasses. His family treats him badly. He doesn't have friends and he feels really lonely. At the age of 11 Harry learns that his parents were wizards and he is himself a wizard. He becomes a student of Hogwards school. Every day he goes to unusual lessons. He learns charms and how to fly on a broom. Here he finds true friends and meets his enemies. He finds out that his parents were killed by a wicked wizard who is still alive. Lord Voldemort tries to reach Harry at Hogwards to kill him. He does that to become stronger and to kill all good wizzards. Harry fights against different mystical creatures and tries to stay alive. Harry Potter and his friends are brave, kind and just, that is why they win at the very end.

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